Pali pali culture- best known hot tempered Korean’s action

There is Pali-Pali culture in Korea, which means “Hurry up!” or “Faster!”. It is one of the Korean’s way of life. You can easily see people are running or walking fast that they won’t miss the buss or train. However, some Korean’s hot temper is excessive that this character easily appears in their daily life.

Today I will introduce the best known quick tempered Korean’s action.

1. Put hand inside the coffee vending machine before the coffee in done.

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2. Busy for finding the short line in Mart, ATM machine and fast food restaurant.

( “That line will be better than this line”. 3 seconds later “No! one next to that line will be better”…3 seconds later “No, no, no. let’s move to the other line….”)

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3. Can’t wait 3 minutes after pour the water in the cup noodle.

(They think ‘I’m hungry right now. How could I wait 3 minutes?” and just start eating.)

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In the above picture, it is written “Quick tempered Korean”.

4. Remember not only all the transfer station name but also the most fast moving route and the number in the floor.

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In Korea subway, there are numbers in every subway gate’s floor. Many Korean remember the gate number where is the fast spot for the exit or the most close gate in the way of the subway transfer.

5. Start packing the bag before the school bell ring.

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When I was in high school, especially when the school bell ring just before the lunch time, many boy students start running in a full speed to eat lunch. Students ate lunch in the school restaurant building which is different from the classroom. Restaurant was not that big that someone who arrive late, they have to wait in the long line.

6. Melt the candy in the mouth only the very first time and then chew the candy totally.

Screen Shot 2015-04-05 at 4.26.00 PM7. After press the microwave start button, looking at the plate spinning until finish.

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8. Constantly flipping the meat over and over again for checking if the meat is done.

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9. When the other person’s line is busy, keep calling more than 3 times without waiting.

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10. Turn off the music only after the first verse of the song is finished in the Karaoke room.

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This action is for quickly starting the next music. However, there are people who want to sing until the two verses that this is not a good manner. Need to ask first before pressing the next button, but sometimes hot tempered person press it right away.

There is an evaluation checking whether you are hot temper or not. 🙂

1. Do you feel you have to finish the work in a hurry?

No (0)

Sometimes (2)

Frequently (5)

2. Do you have a tendency to walk fast?



3. Do you have a tendency to speak fast?



4. When there is a heavy traffic, do you feel nervous or get mad to other driver?




5. Is it hard to sit still with daydreaming or thinking of the past?




6. Have you ever heard “Don’t rush”, “Take your time” from your partner or friend?




7. Are you getting impatient when waiting in line?




8. Do you cut people off when they are talking?





Total score

0-1: Excellent

2-10: Sometimes impatient

11-30: Middle, often impatient, need to relax

31-70: High, chronic impatient, need a treatment(bad to health)

Thanks for reading.:)

2 thoughts on “Pali pali culture- best known hot tempered Korean’s action

  1. Yes, I had visited the South Korea and seen all the peoples are very busy. I was staid at Koje Do Island inside Dewoo Ship yard ltd.


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